The Descriptions of Libbe Colonic Cleansing Machine: Libbe Colonic Cleansing Machine, znan tudi kot čiščenje debelega črevesa ali izpiranje debelega črevesa, se pogosto izvaja kot oblika alternativne medicine. Domnevni namen postopka je odstranitev toksina, shujšati, preprečiti bolezni, lajšanje zaprtja, spodbujati splošno zdravje in dobro počutje. It is known that such procedure commonly involved the use of …
The History of Colon Detox Machine Colon detox machine, also known as colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, has been in use since ancient times. The Greeks, Egyptians, and Chinese reportedly used enemas to help cleanse the colon and promote better health. In the modern era, the practice of colon cleansing gained popularity in the 1920s and 1930s, when proponents claimed …